H&W Company Productions
H&W Company

Erik’s marvellous Journey
Available 2004
Art director and director Jaap Drupsteen
Production design and animation Floris Drupsteen
Editors Aukelien van Hoytema, Astrid in 't Veld, Bert Meijer
Music and narration W.F.Bon based upon Godfried Boman’s book "Erik in the land of the insects"
Producer Astrid Wortelboer


A musical tale for young people – a television production full of colourful animations about young Erik, who disappears into a painting of the meadow “Wollewei” and experiences all kind of adventures in the world of the insects, in which he has landed. Composer W.F.Bon has written this piece for a narrator and a symphony orchestra. Here the music is performed by the Netherlands’ Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Ed Spanjaard. Edwin Rutten is the Dutch narrator. He can be easily replaced by a native narrator.


Co-production TROS / Studio Drupsteen / H & W Company
Production/distribution H & W Company
Sales NPB Sales
Lengte 40'
Format Digibeta, stereo, 16 / 9
Language versions Dutch, English subtitles, M & E
Broadcasting 26 December 2004 at 12.05 a.m., Nederland 2

January 5th 2006 at 1.15 p.m. , Nederland 3

Screening 12 December 2004 at 12.30 a.m. Music Center Vredenburg, Utrecht
Festival selections- nominations Selection Youth festival Buster, Copenhagen, 2005

Submission by Dutch Public Broadcasters to Emmy Awards competition, 2005

Nomination Banff TV-festival of the Rockie Award, category animation, 2005

Nomination TV-festival Luzern of the Rose d’Or, category music, 2005

Support of Dutch Cultural Broadcasting Promotion Fund